Westford, Massachusetts is located about 40 miles northwest of Boston near the New Hampshire border in the Merrimack Valley. We are about 30 miles inland from the ocean which means our summertime temperatures are warmer and our wintertime temperatures are colder than communities on the coast. Westford is a town that has many farms and lots of flora and fauna in a relatively small area. The town is also surrounded by many other towns that have similar amounts of plants for the bees to collect from. It is an excellent location to keep bees.

Our home, garden, and hives are located on a spacious and semi-secluded piece of land. This gives us the freedom to adjust and expand as necessary. Even though some of our hives are located just steps outside our backdoor, we seldom see more than a few honey bees working our flowers and vegetables. Being highly social means they are able to pool information on the best places to collect nectar and pollen. No matter how many pollinator friendly plants we put in our yard, it's hard to get the attention of the entire hive as there are always higher concentrations of forage in the areas surrounding our house. In fact, we see just as many bumble bees, mason bees, and butterflies. This is really amazing considering the honey bee population tops half a million bees during the summer months.